How to start your dream career as a beauty artist in 2024?

10 minutes read

Have you been thinking about switching your career and joining the beauty world recently? Are you on the fence, and still unsure whether this is a smart move? Do you wonder what it takes to start?

If you’ve always dreamt of transforming passion into a profession, now it’s the perfect time to start! And today we’ll show you how you can start and grow your career as a microblading artist in 2024.

Why choose a career in the beauty industry?


A career in beauty artistry is not just a job; it's an art form. As a beauty artist, you have the power to boost confidence, bring smiles, and even change lives. It's a profession that blends creativity, skill, and personal interaction. With the beauty industry continually growing, the demand for skilled artists is soaring, making it a lucrative and fulfilling career choice.


The first step: Building foundations


The journey to becoming a beauty artist starts with building a strong foundation. Quality education and training are crucial. As we mentioned above, no matter what profession you are coming from, to become a beauty artist, you’ll need to learn the foundation about skin types, color theories, client communication… and then the practical part.

And this is where PhiAcademy steps in.

Our comprehensive course covers everything from basic techniques to advanced practices, ensuring you're well-equipped to enter the beauty industry with confidence.

Uncover the reasons to choose the beauty industry, where creativity meets skill - PhiBrows

Uncover the reasons to choose the beauty industry, where creativity meets skill - PhiBrows

PhiBrows training: A gateway to excellence


PhiBrows training at PhiAcademy is more than just a course; it's an immersive experience that combines theory and practice. Our curriculum is tailored to meet the evolving trends of the beauty industry. You'll learn under the guidance of experienced professionals, gaining invaluable insights and hands-on experience.

After you find a course in your proximity, you’ll attend a two-day in-person workshop consisting of two parts:

  • theoretical part
  • practical part

And no, you can’t become an expert in 2 days, that’s why we tailored these two days so that you can learn the most important aspects and learn how to practice.

You’ll also get access to the CraftMaster online learning platform where you’ll continue your education for the next 6 months. You’ll get access to the curriculum of 8 carefully created levels that you should pass to get certified.

Of course, over this period, you’ll have nonstop support from the Master you chose. Your Master will be there to handhold you through your education and practice, answer your questions, and correct your mistakes.

Plus, you can always organize the practical exercise with your Royal Artist or your Master.


The endless possibilities

After you complete training and get certified, your possibilities are endless. You can:

●      Work in high-end salons or spas.

●      Start your own beauty business.

●      Become a freelance beauty artist.

●      Collaborate with fashion and entertainment industries.

●      Continue learning and specialize in other beauty domains.


Skip starting from the bottom


In the beginning, we mentioned starting and growing your career in 2024, not over the course of many years, and that means that the Phi family offers you ladders to success.
Ever since the dawn of time, people had unrealistic expectations of women - taking care of the household, and the family, choosing and growing careers, and being the best at everything!
That’s why we created a straightforward process, that is making it impossible to fail! We created the most profitable course that offers you everything you need to succeed:

  • An impeccable knowledge base
  • A network of successful people
  • A starting kit for your first 80 treatments!
  • A course for booking more clients
  • A chance to build a portfolio and spread the world from day 1 of your career

We made sure you don’t have anything to lose.


Taking the leap: Sign up today!

Your dream career is a step away, and by this time of next year, you could start waking up with a smile on your face, knowing that you a part of the most rewarding profession out there.

By joining the PhiAcademy, you’re not just learning a skill, you’re embracing a lifestyle that celebrates beauty in all forms. Just like our other successful Artists transformed their lives. You can read their stories here.


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